Jan 2, 2010
Where Have All The Intellectuals Gone In This Cyber/social Media Driven World?
Posted in Social Media Experts on 02/Jan/2010
I'm loosing faith.
January 12, 2010
Jan 2, 2010
Posted in Social Media Experts on 02/Jan/2010
I'm loosing faith.
Jan 1, 2010
Posted in Social Media Experts on 01/Jan/2010
On Facebook there are these new, trendy pics that are traveling around that are just cartoons or funny characters and have people tagged as each individual on it. Some are titled something like "Tag your Facebook friends most likely to..." or some are just pics of South Park, Pokemon, other random characters with subtitles like […]
Jan 1, 2010
Posted in Social Media Experts on 01/Jan/2010
Next month I'm planning to get a plan with Sprint, the one where I get 450 minutes and unlimited texting, but it doesn't have a data and internet plan because we're trying to save money. Will facebook mobile still work? I'm sure messaging and wall posts will because it's sent as SMS, but will I […]
Dec 28, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 28/Dec/2009
I want to set up a twitter, but I won't have the phone I want to use to hand until wednesday late evening. How long do I have to text the confirmation code before it's void?
Dec 28, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 28/Dec/2009
I did try to contact Twitter but there is no response despite of my multiple attempts. Thank you!
Dec 28, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 28/Dec/2009
I write a blog targeting Gen Y professionals and was curious to know what kinds of challenges you may have (if you also use Yahoo Answers) that you would like the answers to.
Dec 22, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 22/Dec/2009
I am following several people on twitter, do they need to be following me as well, to see my posts?
Dec 22, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 22/Dec/2009
Creepy huh? Now I was wondering why. Are the owners of Facebook so desperate for "someone" of the opposite gender, that they must save information and pictures to view, and to be turned on by them? I mean cmon.. Again. I am wondering why Facebook does this.
Dec 22, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 22/Dec/2009
So, I want to use twitter from my phone, but it costs money to go on the internet on my phone. I have unlimited texting on my phone, so would it cost money to sent tweets to my twitter account from a text? Thanks much !
Dec 22, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 22/Dec/2009
I need an example of a big company acting like a bully in social media, removing blogposts, deleting negative comments, any social media msitakes a company might have done on YouTube, Facebook, Orkut, MySpace etc.
Dec 20, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 20/Dec/2009
My x-boyfriend put some pictures of me and him on my facebook page and I'm trying to figure out a way to remove them. Do you know how I can do that?
Dec 20, 2009
Posted in Social Media Experts on 20/Dec/2009
Do marketers have any control over social media? Why or why not? pintoys