Jan 12, 2011

What is “Web 2.0” and what are it’s applications?

Posted in Social Media Experts on 12/Jan/2011

Question by Honey Bees: What is "Web 2.0" and what are it's applications?
In plain english what is "Web 2.0" ??? I looked on Wikipedia and it gives paragraphs of things I do not understand. What is an application on Web 2.0?

Best answer:

Answer by Emma
Simply put, Web 2.0 is a perceived transition of the web to web applications. Web 2.0 is the next generation of technology solutions where interactive content is the norm. There is no agreement on exactly what Web 2.0 means, depending on who you are speaking with, you may receive different explanations. At it's heart, Web 2.0 is about the maturity of the Web and businesses that are thriving online. While many refer to Web 2.0 as companies that employ powerful web technologies, the key components of the new web are said to include: the web as a platform, collaboration, and syndication.

What Is Web 2.0 - http://www.small-business-software.net/what-is-web-2.htm

ABC's of Web 2.0 - http://www.small-business-software.net/abcs-of-web-2.htm

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