If Hollywood can make an overly dramatic film about the early years of Facebook, why can't we make an overly dramatic movie about Twitter? Or at least the trailer to that movie! Check out the exclusive (parody) trailer for "The Twit Network" right here on Rated Awesome! Huge thanks to the Gregory Brothers for creating the "I can Tweet" song that plays in the background. Check out more of their stuff and download the full song here: www.sendspace.com Gregory Brothers Youtube: www.youtube.com Click here to tweet this video! clicktotweet.com
Twitter Whore T-Shirts on Sale NOW!!! craptv.com ***CLICK HERE FOR PART 2*** www.youtube.com Follow me: twitter.com Directed by: twitter.com In order of appearance: Robert Scoble twitter.com Hugh Mcleod twitter.com "Woman of The Sun" (Magik Johnson Remix) is provided courtesy of OM Records www.om-records.com http FYI I'm not really an attention Whore., i just play one on Youtube....j/k...LOL...I love the attention...OMG...idk
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